Minggu, 02 Desember 2012

Random Part I

WOW, it really is been a while. Setaun lebih ada kali ya gue ga posting di blog ini. What happen in my life now? Well, ga banyak yang berubah sih, tapi bisa dibilang selera musik gue setaun terakhir ini agak bergeser hahaha. Ya mungkin bukan bergeser kali ya, tapi bertambah. I'm really into Kpop right now. Gue juga heran sebenernya kapan gue mulai suka dan kenapa. I even went to SMTOWN Jakarta last september and I bought the festival ticket. Here are some of the picture at the venue:

The stage was Super HUGE!! 

TaeTiSeo on stage

Me and My friend, Sasha at venue entrance

At the venue before the concert 

I always think that I would spend such money on a Coldplay concert or something, but whualaaa! I spend it on a kpop concert. Semakin gue sering nyari tentang musik korea, semakin gue tau kalo diluar boyband atau girlband, musik-musik jenis lain asal korea juga enak-enak banget. Walaupun sekarang masih lebih banyak lagu-lagu boyband dan girlband di list musik kpop gue, tapi makin kesini lagu-lagu diluar itu juga mulai ngisi list musik korea gue. Emang sih, gue belom tau banyak tentang dunia musik korea, I'm still a newbie haha. Have you heard Urban Zakapa? I really love their songs. Pertama gue denger lagu Urban Zakapa - My love , I really am in love. I mean their voices are soooo good! And I'm really impressed with their Just The Two of Us Cover . And Leessang (which I probably will never know if I'm not a fan of 'Running Man'), I start listening to them waktu gue iseng nge-search lagu leessang yang sering ada di running man. 'Different' is the most suitable word to describe them. Mereka rap group, tapi lagu-lagunya banyak yang feel nya gloomy, beda sama kebanyakan rapper yang mungkin lagunya lebih punya glamour feel, leessang lebih punya ballad feel with good lyrics, slow rap and a good singer fill in the chorus. Coba dengerin lagu mereka yang Pursuing The Happiness , googled the meaning of the lyrics and be amazed that Kang Gary can made such lyrics, tapi lagu mereka juga ga selalu gloomy, Hard To Be Humble bisa dibilang lagu mereka yang rada 'sengak' hahaha and the mv is really funny to. You can't get bored with leessang. I mean dengerin musik mereka diluar lagu-lagu gb or bb tadi itu kaya refreshing and by the way busker busker is also good. 

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